If you want to turn your Windows installation into a better platform to test out your code, you might think about switching from the PowerShell and installing the Windows Terminal instead.
Once you know how to use Python on Windows, you can start looking at how to use it for your hobbies and interests. Next Python StepsĪs we’ve shown here, you don’t need to switch to Linux or a Mac to be able to pick up this beginner-friendly programming language. You can search for packages to install by using the search tool at the PIP website. You can use PIP to install new modules by opening a PowerShell window and typing pip install package-name or python -m pip install package-name, replacing package-name with the name of a module package you can install.
You’ll need to install Python PIP first before you can begin, although if you’ve installed Python 3.4 or later, it should come pre-installed unless you removed the option during your Python pre-installation configuration.